
Joe Slay
Slay Communications LLC
4000 Hermitage Road
Richmond, Virginia 23227
804 350 7089

Development Support for Higher Education

Slay Communications has provided strategic communications and writing services for numerous colleges and universities, particularly in support of development and fundraising initiatives. Richard Wong, Vice President of Advancement for Union Presbyterian Seminary, had this to say about Slay’s work for Union (2016-2020):

“Gifts are still pouring in because of your great work. Gifts through May 31—up 34%. Number of new donors—up 22%.”

“Yesterday CASE, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, awarded Union Presbyterian Seminary with the 2017 CASE Education Fundraising Award. Union is among 47 education institutions in the nation receiving this recognition for superior fundraising performance. Your exceptional work and support have made this possible!”

“Because of your outstanding work…our total giving ($5.3 million) for the year increased by 24.8%. Our unrestricted gifts ($1.1 million) increased by 26%.”

Slay Communications has worked with the following institutions of higher education:

Council of Independent Colleges | Flagler College | Fralin Museum of Art at University of Virginia | Hampden-Sydney College | Hollins University | Institute for Emerging Issues at North Carolina State University | Miller Center of Public Affairs at University of Virginia | Muscarelle Museum of Art at the College of William and Mary | New College Institute | Presbyterian Foundation | Randolph College | Union Presbyterian Seminary | University of Richmond | University of Virginia Health System | Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center | Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges | Washington and Lee University | Washington and Lee University School of Law | William and Mary Law School